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Fr. 07.03.2025
Talk: From categorisation to discrimination in European migration policies
The European University for Well-Being invites you to a new lecture from its Social talks series. You will get deeper insights about forms of discrimination in educational programs and many disciplines.
All people have the right to equal treatment and to not be discriminated against because of gender, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation or age. Questions of discrimination are central to many educational programs and are relevant for many disciplines.
Swedish legislation on discrimination is closely linked to European legislation and follows EU directives and regulations. Hence, in the area of discrimination, we have much in common with other European countries and much to learn from them.
Lectures are open to everyone and are aimed at students, teachers and researchers who want to learn more about how different countries work against discrimination in different areas.
Each seminar will last 60 minutes, including time for questions.
You can join one or more of the lectures, they are all independent.
Further meetings:
20/03 – Racism in Higher education (Kalwant Bhopal, professor of Education and social justice, University of Birmingham)
15/04 – Fighting Discriminations in Sports: the legal framework (Giuila Mannucci, Associate professor in law & Ippolito Piazza, Doctor in administrative law, University of Florence)
6/05 – Fighting against discrimination in relation to gender issues (Isabel Lirola Delgado, professor in International law, University of Santiago de Compostela)
EUniWell – the European University for Well-Being – is one of 65 European University Alliances, selected for funding by the European Commission under the ERASMUS+ programme in 2020. EUniWell is formed by the eleven universities of Birmingham (UK), Cologne (Germany), Florence (Italy), Inalco (France), Konstanz (Germany), Linnaeus (Sweden), Murcia (Spain), Nantes (France), Santiago de Compostela (Spain), Semmelweis (Hungary), and Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine).
With its focus on well-being, EUniWell responds to the Council of the European Union’s invitation for member states to pursue a horizontal, cross-sectoral, knowledge-based approach to advance the ‘Economy of Wellbeing’ (24 October 2019), a virtuous circle between society, science and the environment, leading to greater well-being across those dimensions.
Further information here
10:00 – 11:00 Uhr
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