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No mon, no fun

About 80% of the students in Cologne have jobs beside their studies. Here are some useful tips and adresses helping you to find a job.

At Universities
Chairs, administrations or central institutions of the universities often fill vacancies with student assistants. Besides simple jobs like photocopying, errands and other services, students gain an insight into working life.

Assistance in scientific projects is possible as well. Generally required for that is an intermediate diploma or examination. Vacancies of student assistant jobs are mostly announced via the notice-boards of the institutions.

The sideline job service of the Cologne University of Applied Sciences offers jobs for one day, short-term or long-term jobs. Many local companies registered here look for students fitting into their profile.

Tel.: 0221 8275-2101/-2100
Mail: nebenjob-service@fh-koeln.de


The portal “Stellenwerk” of the University of Cologne comprises vacancies for jobs or work placements, offers for absolvents, final assignments, private advertisements as well as vacancy offers of the University.

Particularly interesting for students and employees: Private job offers (e.g. helpers for removals, private tuition etc.) can be advertised for free!

01802 100562
Mail: info@stellenwerk-koeln.de

Student Union Cologne
The student union of Cologne employs students as temporary workers for events, for catering trade companies and for administration helpers in residential buildings. If you are interested you can apply with a CV/résumé.

Kölner Studentenwerk
Universitätsstr. 16
50937 Köln
E-Mail: info@kstw.de

Newspapers and Magazines
There are diverse jobs offered in the city’s daily papers and magazines, like Stadtrevue, Kölner Illustrierte or Prinz.

Temporary work
Via temporary employment agencies students can establish contact with companies (in the classified directory under “Zeitarbeit”). Temporary help is particularly in great demand during the summer months.

Work placements and internships
Vacancies for practical work placements can be found quickly, unbureaucratically and updated daily on the interactive exchange website of the employment agency: www.arbeitsagentur.de